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Providing activities and networking for junior researchers and students from around the world interested in Innovation Management.

We organise events that focus on questions and problems faced by Junior Researchers, but in which we also emphasize interaction between researchers and other innovation management professionals from academia, industry, consulting and the public sector.

Your opportunities:

  • Exchange experiences and knowledge with other participants

  • Network and learn from experienced researchers and practitioners

  • Launch cooperation between participants with shared Innovation Management interests

  • Share ideas, resources and Information

  • Stay up-to-date with what is happening in the field of Innovation Management

We invite students as well as junior researchers to join our group and to take an active role in it by participating in our events, keeping discussions going online, and by providing us with feedback and ideas to shape our community as it grows.

For questions or comments get in touch with the Junior Researcher Coordinator, Luisa Lopez -

Join the ISPIM Junior Researchers groups:

  • Facebook
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